Physics Facts

The World's Largest Laser

In a rural community in Northern California, in a building spanning the length of two football fields scientists are creating the world's largest laser. The National Ignition Facility project, know as ... Continue reading

The target chamber inside which NIF's 192 laser beams will converge upon a fusion-fuel-filled target.

Carbon Dating From The Skies

Determining the age of relatively recent fossils, those of plants and animals that lived tens of thousands of years ago, is not a guessing game but an exact science. By using carbon dating we can ... Continue reading

Carbon dating the bones of an animal can pinpoint the time this animal died to within a few years.


Quarks are the most fundamental particles that we know of. Both protons and neutrons are made of quarks. We know quarks exist; we have experimental proof. However nobody has been able to isolate them; ... Continue reading

Protons and Neutrons are made of Up and Down quarks

Tick-Tock Atomic Clock

Modern navigators rely on atomic clocks. Instead of old-style springs or pendulums, the natural resonances of atoms -- usually cesium or rubidium -- provide the steady 'tick' of an atomic clock. The ... Continue reading

24 GPS satellites orbit Earth.